
Just Play & Maryland Partner on Virtual Clinic

Want to learn transition offense from the #2 best scoring offense in the country? How about access to get basketball insight from back to back to back B1G champions?! Just Play has partnered with Brenda Frese and Maryland Women’s Basketball to bring you Maryland’s 2017 Coaches Clinic on any device! Take home all of the

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Dr. Dish Skill Builder: Partner Shooting and Handles

In this Skill Builder workout, Coach Mason is joined by me, Nick Bartlett (Marketing Manager at Dr. Dish Basketball), in the Dish Lab to demonstrate a great partner shooting and ball handling workout. Check it out below! For more great basketball drills and videos, visit this page. And as Coach Mason always says: Make sure to

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Simmons College Basketball Coaches Clinic – October 7th – Boston, MA

Simmons College Coaches Clinic- October 7th SPEAKERS: Marc Mitchell- Fairleigh Dickinson University C White- Bentley University John Gallagher- University of Hartford Michael Williams- Simmons College Joe Jones- Boston University Katy Steding- Boston University Monique LeBlanc- Merrimack College Missy Traversi- Adelphi University Event Date: Saturday, October 7, 2017 Registration: 12:00pm- 12:30pm Time: 12:30pm- 5:00pm Cost to

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Adapting to Challenges While Staying True to Core Values

Originally posted on justplaysolutions.com, to see original blog click here. Author: Belle Koclanes, The Gail Koziara Boudreaux ’82 and Family Head Coach, Dartmouth Women’s Basketball Growing up as a little 5’1 basketball player from Pelham, NY, I was constantly faced with challenges. Over and over again, I was told I was too small to succeed

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Interested in Winning More Games…Read This

“When a great team loses through complacency, it will constantly search for new and more intricate explanations to explain away defeat.” – Pat Riley Player development and teaching is changing extremely rapidly, and everyone can agree that players are different today than they were 5-10 years ago. Players are so ingrained in technology, it has

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