2nd Annual Mary Kline Classic Sports and Business Symposium Hosted by Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson Health Wednesday, July 31, 2019 10 a.m. | Registration begins 11 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. | Program 4:30 – 6 p.m. | Reception Dorrance H. Hamilton Building 1001 Locust Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 Click HERE for registration info.
Dr. Dish Skill Builder Workout: Fake Snake Pick and Roll with DJ Sackmann
In this drill our partner DJ Sackmann demonstrates how to “fake snake” dribble off of a middle pick and roll while using the Dr. Dish CT. Here DJ is simulating the on ball defender going over the top of the ball screen while the screener’s defender showing a soft hedge. Typically to get to the
Dr. Dish Skill Builder Workout: Drive Kick Clear Concepts (Part 3) – 3 vs. 2 – with Liam Flynn
Professional Coach Liam Flynn continues through his Drive Kick Clear progression in this Part 3 video in the Dish Lab! Part 1: https://youtu.be/uWDYsU7LPNk Part 2: https://youtu.be/AYM76xyW8k8 Here, Coach Flynn adds in an extra defender and goes through a couple different options on how to attack based on where the help is coming from. Once again,
The First 30 Days
Think back to your first thirty days on the job and pick one word to describe that time. Whirlwind, Blur, Hectic… are a few that we’ve heard recently It started with that moment of pure joy you felt when you heard the words, “Congrats Coach? We are thrilled to have you on board!” and then
Pivot Analysis: Going beyond the box score
Tracking individual stats and box scores has been a standard method of basketball analysis across most organized levels of play. However, that doesn’t always provide the whole picture. As basketball analytical methods and technology have developed, so has the use of more advanced statistical metrics. The tracking of lineup performance and on court player impact
Dr. Dish Skill Builder Workout: Partner Dribble Hand Off Actions with DJ Sackmann
In this partner shooting drill our partner DJ Sackmann is joined by our good friend Reid Ouse of Catalyst Training in the Dish Lab to work on partner dribble hand-off actions. This is a great way to utilize the Dr. Dish CT to work on game-like situations in a partner setting. Both players receive a
Just Play and NCAA LiveStats by Genius Sports Announce Integration
NCAA LiveStats / Just Play Press Release Starting this college basketball season, Just Play Sports Solutions will be powered by NCAA LiveStats, the official data collection software of collegiate sports, providing the fastest and most reliable statistics on the market. This integration with NCAA LiveStats will provide Just Play clients with access to more advanced data than
The often overlooked “little things” that make a big difference
When you are looking for ways to improve your program, what do you look for? Colleague insight? Books? Clinics? Film? Most programs look to these methods of getting better, but top teams aren’t stopping there and know that all of the “little things” add up. It can’t just be about the X’s and O’s.
Why tracking lineups can help you win more games
From GPS tracking to heart monitors to drone cameras, modern basketball has experienced technological advances that many could never have envisioned. Additionally, modern analytics technologies have enabled coaches to extract insights from games stats that are either very difficult or impossible to calculate by hand but have a huge impact on building a game strategy.
The Coaching Box by 720 Sports Group
The Coaching Box The Coaching Box is a weekend camp for rising men’s and women’s college coaches who are managers, DOBOs, video coordinators, GAs or any young coaches. Networking is vital to help you get a job but networking doesn’t help you on the court teaching the game. We will have 10 experienced college coaches