Head Women’s Basketball Coach – Pine Manor College

School: Pine Manor College
Position: Head Coach
Position Type: Full-time
Organization: NCAA
Level: Division III

The purpose of the Recreation Coordinator and Head Women’s Basketball/Cross Country Coach is to grow the graduation rate of Pine Manor College students by fully engaging with the students through recreational/sport activities and competitive NCAA DIII sports. She/He/They will recruit and retain students through a focus on student engagement, health and wellness, and social justice.

Under the leadership of the Athletic Director and in collaboration with the Division of Student Affairs, the Recreation Coordinator and Head Women’s Basketball/Cross Country Coach will manage and direct all aspects of a comprehensive recreation program that engages a diverse student population, promotes health and wellness, enhances the quality of living and learning for students, and provides a social outlet for Pine Manor College students. In addition, the position will build strong mentor and coaching relationships with his/her/their teams and student-athletes to ensure students’ holistic (academic, co-curricular, emotional) success and continued persistence at Pine Manor College.

Link: http://www.pmc.edu/job-opportunities
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