

It’s been a blast for us at Dr. Dish Basketball to continue working with many of the top basketball trainers in the world! Recently, we were able to travel out to Irvine, California to visit our partner Jordan Lawley and create some epic content. In the drill below, we utilize the patented swivel net technology with our Dr. Dish All-Star to

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“Be Better Everyday.” Watch this Video to be Inspired

At Dr. Dish Basketball, we pride ourselves on providing coaches, trainers, players and fans with top-notch instruction and inspiration surrounding basketball training. For us, this extends beyond the products and equipment that we sell. This past year of 2017 was extremely exciting for us and our brand. As we continued to accelerate skill development around

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The Best of the Best Choose Dr. Dish

Dr. Dish Basketball is proud to have made new strides in basketball technology and training the past year with the launch of Skill Builder and our Training Management System. Along the way, top trainers across the country have decided to join the Dr. Dish Family and utilize our training machines to take their players to

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Dr. Dish Skill Builder: Spacial Movement Series

Dr. Dish Basketball continues to provide efficient training skills and drills that will help your team maximize their potential. In this Drill of the Week, we focused on spatial shooting and several basketball shooting drills to help work on this. These are great drills that small group or teams can use to help players shoot

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