Head Women’s Basketball Coach – University of Wisconsin – Superior

School: University of Wisconsin - Superior
Position: Head Coach
Position Type: Full-time
Organization: NCAA
Level: Division III
Conference: WIAC

Head Women’s Basketball Coach at the University of Wisconsin-Superior Athletics. This position is an annual year, limited term appointment.


Responsible for planning and directing the recruitment, conditioning, training, performance, and administration of the Women’s Basketball program in the manner that upholds the philosophy and objectives of the University of Wisconsin-Superior Athletics Department. In addition, lead department initiatives for career development and post-graduation preparation of student-athletes for the Athletics Department.

Link: https://www.careers.wisconsin.edu/psc/careers/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_APP_SCHJOB.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=33&JobOpeningId=14104&PostingSeq=1&
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